Etichetă: Wuhan flu

Sînt blocat pe facebook pentru 30 de zile

Facebook m-a blocat pentru 30 de zile pentru niște mesaje de acum cîteva luni pe care acum le-a descoperit (sau mai degrabă, acum au fost raportate de băieții care au sarcină de serviciu să-mi monitorizeze activitatea pe internet). E vorba de articolul de pe acest blog How and why the c0vid scam started and developed (linc cu video) și de filmarea din acel articol, pe care o repet mai jos.

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How and why the c0vid scam started and developed (video)

This is part of a discussion I had in Timișoara with Lucian Vâlsan from the Freedom Alternative network (link). It was a longer discussion in which the main topic was the Romanian Revolution of 1989 (linc). I extracted from that discussion the part concerning the Wuhan Flu and my opinion about it, opinion which I uphold in my book „Covid, the lie of the century” (available only in Romanian language). As a person born and educated in a Communist regime (Romania was communist untill 1989) I believe I can understand the logic of the Chinese Communist Party, therefore my empathy (which is not same as simpathy) for the leadership of China. I added some explanatory footages regarding some events that occured before and during the so called covid pandemic, for a better understanding.

Transcription (with minor English language corrections; as English is not my native language I made some mistakes): Citește în continuare „How and why the c0vid scam started and developed (video)”